New Book In Spring

I’ve been cracking on with my latest novel. It will be available in the late Spring of this year and it’s to be called Finale.

With Wings of the Morning and Millennium, Finale will complete the trilogy, so some already familiar characters and places will appear but the three books may be read independently and in any order.

The new book, like the first two, centres on the continent of Africa and the story embodies adventure, romance and surprises. Also shocks.

When, as an author, you are blending fiction with fact, I don’t believe that you can or should avoid the harsh realities of our world, nor the practice of cultures which may offend, precisely because they are alien. That makes them different but not necessarily wrong.

We strive so hard today to normalise behaviour: anything goes and we have to find justification for everything. The further we progress down this road, the more bland is life and perversely, the more intolerant we become.

So I hope you’ll appreciate Finale for the challenge it makes to this trend but I hope you’ll enjoy it even more because it’s fun, fast and furious!

I’ve always thought that a book you take on holiday should entertain throughout but that in particular, it must have a compelling start and a strong finish. I think I’ve got the right ingredients and now I must get them to mesh together.

You will be the judge of my success!

Here’s to the New Year of 2019!
