Julian Beale – Dec News

My stories weave historical facts around imagined events. Right now, we are living in rich times of potential for a novelist like me!

In America, they bid a graceful farewell to a former President, watched by the current incumbent who stands at the other end of the dignity spectrum. A Middle Eastern potentate appears to personally sanction the most vicious and public murder. The Russian Bear continues to flex the muscles which he likes to
advertise. There is rioting in Paris: has the new Bonaparte already bitten off more than he can chew?

In Britain, our own Kingdom is anything but United. Westminster Parliament has become a soap opera and no one can say where we will be next week … or year.

But none of the above will interrupt the Christmas junketing – a season more of excess than goodwill, starting too soon and finishing at too great a cost. It does, however, provide an interlude and makes for some time which can be given over to mental meandering, to pondering and to plotting.

So here’s a seasonal challenge for us all! What do you expect will be the biggest, most significant, most game changing world event to take place between now and when the world moves into 2019??

There seem to be some very important possibilities but be prepared to be completely caught out by the entirely unexpected. I’ll be working at this mental puzzle myself in quieter moments
during the Book Fairs and Signings coming up.

But I’ll be happy to be interrupted in such thoughts. There’s really nothing better than hearing a stranger say “I’ve read your work and I do enjoy your novels”.

It may not be a world event, but the encouragement is terrific!

Happy Christmas!
